Welcome to Just Penneys..

Well, I'm glad you found me!

I've learned that blogging is sometimes like talking to myself, which is becoming the "norm" for me these days. Really!
It's quite the challenge and time consuming. The satisfaction it brings to me comes from communicating , learning and sharing with so many people, most of them strangers in "space"..
You know what I mean!

If you click on any "follower" , or below, on "other inspiration", you'll see what I mean...
There's so much to learn, find peace in or just have fun cruising! It's endless!

There are artists, writers,poets..
Great photography, design, and fashion..There's something for everyone, trust me!
I can't wait to visit them each day, or even each month..

A warning ! It's addicting. You can't visit once.. You'll need to return, again and again.

What fun you'll have!!!! And oh,the places you will go...

My advice?
"Sit down, step in, and hang on!"
Have fun..
I love hearing from you..


The Apartment: Broadcast

The Apartment: Broadcast Living vicariously works for me..It brings so much to the table.. My son has been in So. Korea for quite awhile now.. I continue to travel alongside of him , quietly and passionately..through his eyes and his soul.. He loves to share.. Have a look for yourself.. xo, P